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Regardless of who a person was prior to the work of Jesus Christ in their life, the Christian is now, presently, a new creation who has been given an extraordinary mandate, and some profound qualities as well. (2 Cor. 5:17)

As a people that have tasted of God’s goodness and grace, we have become the salt of the earth, bringing good “flavour” to the world and preserving the goodness found in it. Not only that, but the Christian is also a light in an increasingly darkened world. We have a responsibility to love our neighbours, and to show God’s grace, mercy, and kindness to others. (Matt 5:13-16)


Submitting our lives to Jesus also means that we must fulfill the Great Commission: “to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.” We have been tasked with sharing the gospel, and teaching others to live their lives as outlined by scripture. (Matt. 28:16-20)


In other words, our encounter with Jesus Christ means we all have changed, and we all have work to do until Christ’s return. We must reveal the love of God to others not only in action and in deed, but in word - both approaching others with the good news of the gospel, and also in defense of the gospel, always prepared to give an answer for the hope that we have. (1 John 3:16-18, Mark 16:15, 1 Peter 3:15)


For some, God may lead us to share the gospel in another country or city, requiring us to move as we follow His leading and the growth of His kingdom. For some, it may mean a change of profession, living situation, or neighbourhood. For some, it may mean short term mission work. For some, it may mean remaining where we are.


For all Christians, it means that wherever we are placed (our jobs, neighbourhoods, social circles, schools, homes, sports teams, cities, towns, etc.), we have an obligation to tell others about Jesus, and to live in a way that is certain to impact others as a result of our salvation.


At Elmwood MB, we believe that the location of mission work may be different for everyone, but we recognize that the Lord’s leading may call any one of us to an area of our neighbourhood, city, country, or world that needs to hear about Jesus Christ.

Here a few missions organizations that we have friendly relationships with:

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©2020 by Elmwood Mennonite Brethren Church

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